Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One with my craft.

sorry for not posting sooner.
i don't have pics of my gifts yet but soon!

i used tags from the black apple which you can find linked in my blog roll.

so i'm really posting to inform everyone of my problem.
i'm getting surgery onmy knee where i have a bit of a broken needle lodged in my left leg somewhere......

i haven't seen the xray's yet, but soon i shall.
so soon in fact, that in about 45 mins time i will be at the surgeon's, getting my nasty needle incident removed.

so much do i love my craft that i have it in my viens!!!!

peace love, and i hope everyone has had a wonderful yuletide holiday, and has a good new year.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Gifts!!!

yes, it's almost done. i'm making gifts for those people closest to me....
my mom, my sister, and stephi are getting these awesome things (which i'll have pictures of after christmas) and i think all my other friends are probably getting penis chapstick holders like those on ravelry.

All my packages are getting brown paper bag wrapping with simple ribbons.
i love the idea.

i think i'm almost making a couple journals for some people.
and they will be awesome!!!!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

sounds fishy.


does anyone else think that naming a CZAR is a move towards communism???

Thursday, December 4, 2008

so stressed.

i'm so stressed out.
completely and udderly.

i have so much to do.
today i was in my studio fro 7.5 hours, just sewing up some shiboried silk plushies....i'll post pictures when i have more time.

but now i have to write two papers.

2 for the SAME class.

dear jesus, what am i getting myself into???


Friday, November 21, 2008

SOOOOO much to do and little time to do it!

my to-do list (craft-wise): [numbered but not prioritized]

1.finish knitting mustard scarf for set
2. get pictures of set together for blog
3. finish printed pattern embroidery
4. get pictures of printed pattern
5. finish brazing corset hoop dress
6. finish over dying silk
7. rip silk into strips
8. sew strips on corset
9. get pictures of corset hoop dress
10. bask in crafty awesome!!!!

last one is just me being cocky.

so that's the list.
peace out girls scouts [unless you aren't a girl scout, then you can comment me telling me how much you don't like to be called girl scout]


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Going Home

Going Home, originally uploaded by hippiecrafter.

Well this was suppossed to be in the last post but that's okay!
so yeah this is my beautiful piece that i just finished recently and it's discharged fabric for the background.

to achieve the leafy background affect i used thioreau dioxide (thiox) and a squirt bottle and drew leaves on. For those of you who aren't so familiar with the discharge process, for thiox at least, i drew the leaves on and then (because i like the trippy drippy affect acheived) i hung it up to dry. when i hung it up i hung it up right above a garbage can. then i let it sit in my studio for the weekend, came back on monday and ironed it, rinsed it out, and ironed it again. then i discharged the burgundy fabric, ehich here appears yellow, and appliqued it on. the bird in blue is also an applique of bleach discharged fabric. i think i like the affects of thiox better, but for more subtle patterns bleach serves well.
when i discharge using bleach i use monagum paste to thicken it up, and use the same squirt bottle method to "paint" it on.

so that's my story about how it wasa made.

The title is a whole 'nother story. It's called Going Home, because all of the creatures, except the fairy are going home. I came up with this theme because i was going home when i started this project. This piece has so much symbolism, and sentimental value to me.
i'm entering it into an upcoming show.

so wish me luck.
i hope you are having a fabulous day, because here it is cold and rainy and snowy at times, and gross.

but good news, my birthday is tuesday!



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

i'm not dead, or neglecting my blog!

I'm just waiting on pictures.
lately i've been very crafty, i just don't have a camera that works well enough. (maybe for christmas???)

so i'm waiting on pictures so i can show all of you how i've spent this "break-up" time.
So what am i working on you ask?
well i'm working on a needle felted harpie doll, a crochetted winter set, of mittens, hat, and a knitted scarf that i want to be as long as possible, im also working on hand printed fabric that i will be embroidering for my surface design class here at college, and that pillow with the bird pattern that i posted about in the first post!

so just to entice you i'm posting a picture of a piece called "Going Home"
it's the post above this one. i posted it from flickr.
my flickr account is also hippiecrafter, so if you want to see some more of my stuff, go there check it out

hope you are having a pleasent weekend,

Monday, November 10, 2008

breakups made better.

Last night my boyfriend dumped me.


oh well, shit happens.

so as one can naturally imagine i am slightly depressed, but i found something that has made it better to the tenth power!

Joshua Hoffine

this is only a sample and a close up of joshua hoffine's work, but it's my favorite.

somehow it makes me feel better about the whole break-up blues thing.

so yeah check him out! he's great!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

i once was...

i once was abernathydesign.blogspot.com, but then blogspot won't le tme sign in, and when i tried to recover my password they e-mailed my password recovery to the wrong e-mail adress even though i know that i put in the right one. i know because they have sent me an e-mail to say that i had to sign in with another e-mail.....anways nvm.

SO this post is going to be the first for this journal, and what better day than Samhain?
in pagan culture samhain is the New Year, so it's great that i'm starting today!!!

i'm going to start with a link to Creativy Prompt:


and this link will lead you to making you own hardbound journal (big suprise!!!! w/ that link). i really want to make one only i think i'm going to cover mine in fabric. In eleventh grade in high school my art class (me included) made there own sketch books, which turned out to be a flop, like they were well constructed, but we didn't really do anything in them. Then on Thursday night/Devil's night, i went to Heritage Gallery on campus here, and i saw a series of handmade sketch books that where full of drawing, poetry, and other littles things so it kind of inspired me to make my own journals, and fill them with all of my own sorts of things.

lately i've been so inspired, and i think it's because it's my favorite season, that and i look at craftzine blog alot =].
but now i think i'm going to go print out a birds and flower sampler from Bad birds! (http://zuill.us/andreablog/) for my best friend linette's birthday which is a day ahead of mine...in 16 days. i think she's gonna love it!!!! Her name means little birds that's why i'm making it for her.
