Thursday, July 30, 2009

Women go make a salad.

I see this commercial all the time, but last night it truly hit me that there are two meanings behind this commercial, 1. women belong in the kitchen, not outside grilling and 2. That this charcoal is so easy a woman can do it! I won't even mention the fact that men can't make salads in their own kitchens. i think that this might be the most ridiculous commercial out there on T.V. i mean come on people, way to perpetuate age old sterotypes.



FilthyGrandeur said...

there are now grilling cook books for women; guess what. they're the same as menz, but guess what--they're PINK. cuz that's the only way my lady brain can understand the utter manliness of grilling.

M. said...

that's so funny. it seems to me like any grilling cookbook would serve the purpose.
But OF COURSE!!! i forgot about the lady brain syndrome. Gosh it must be so hard only being able to comprehend pink things with extra frills.


stufflikemikans said...

Nice blog, Michael! I'm so happy you have one of these. I miss you so much, and it's good to see what you're up to. I'm going to follow it now ;). You can check mine out too even though there isn't a lot to read yet.


M. said...

Hey emily,
I"m glad you found me, and i can't wait to read your blog, unfortunately i can't remember the link, so if you could leave it in a comment i will be able to see it. thanks for liking my blog,


stufflikemikans said...

here's my blog: